Give The CURE in Time for Thanksgiving

CURE Token
3 min readNov 23, 2021

That wonderful time of year is rolling around again, where families and friends come together to feast and share and show appreciation for one another. As the name of the celebrated holiday season itself tells us, it is also a time to be thankful and a time for giving. This could not be more perfectly aligned with the core values that CURE represents — we are a project that gives thanks to life and those around us we love and want to protect, and we are a project that gives along its way to helping to create a brighter, better world where everyone on the planet can live happy, healthy lives.

But as the saying goes, charity starts at home. That is why for this Thanksgiving period we are turning all of our wonderful giving efforts back onto the community that allowed us to get to where we are today.


For this whole week, starting today we will be focusing on Give The CURE, a week-long dedication to all things CURE community. Firstly, on Thursday evening at 00:00UTC we will be slashing our taxes in half, meaning that any new purchases of CURE will only be subject to a 6% tax! In addition, moderator leads Gemma and Freddy will be hosting a number of exciting community competitions and giveaways over this week on the official Telegram group that you can get involved with. Not only can you win outright if you are chosen for each activity, but you can also rack up points — whoever has the most at the end will win big prizes!

First up is the Medium clap competition for a feature spotlight article on brave childhood cancer survivor, Kate. All you need to do is head over to the article, clap fifty times in a row, leave a comment, then let us know in the telegram chat that you’ve done it. One person will be chosen at random to receive $50. Not bad for thirty seconds work (or ten minutes if you read the article, which is pretty great if we do say so ourselves).

Next up today is the Twitter shill competition where a major influencer will be targeted. All you have to do is reply with as many creative comments as you can, also featuring our three main hashtags #CreateTheCURE, #CUREtheWorld and #CUREToken. The winner will be whoever has the most comments under the tweet and the most liked /retweeted comment — racking up some awesome points and winning $100 dollars on the spot! It pays to promo.

There are a bunch more competitions and giveaways coming, and they will be revealed in both these new feature Medium blogs, so make sure you click that shiny follow button to be the first to know!

This whole week revolves around giving — we give to you and in return you give to us, by giving pockets of your time that are dedicated to promoting and spreading the positive word of CURE so that we can continue to grow this amazing project and help so many sufferers along the way.

Separately we are just individuals wanting to do our part. Together we are the CURE Army. Together we will heal the world.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

If by any chance you haven’t heard about CURE and the amazing work it is doing with cancer sufferers, and want to find out the project and its mission, head over to our website at or join the telegram at

This blog article was written by Stuart Meczes. Please note that Stuart is not a financial advisor and nothing written above should be taken as financial advice.



CURE Token

CURE Token is the first deflationary crypto token built around doing good and is focused on pediatric cancer research.